Viktor Kotolupov

New in system biology, system medicine and system pharmacy


Dear Colleagues,

I just read the digest of your article “Collective behavior in cancer cell populations” in BioEssays vol.31 published by WILEY Periodicals, Inc.

I am glad that your vision and some of your approaches to the problem of cancer are similar to what I have been advocating during last ten years. I am also delighted to see your reference to my publications. However, I have noticed that in your papers you do not  mention any general biological laws (e.g. in a description of organizational function of living systems). I am confident that ignoring such laws might lead to partially incomplete and eventually incorrect description of the self-organizing systems. Upon my mind, using these biological laws may indeed be very important for several directions of your research, in particular, those which are devoted to deep understanding of the mechanisms of cancer. For better understanding of the article you referred to I attach a brief summary of main results reported in the paper (at the end of this Letter). In this summary I tried to draw your attention to our arguments about correct description of both nature and origin of the cancer  and cells mutation mechanism. I admit that there might be some difficulties in reading and understanding of our paper. The main reason for that is that some results containing concrete suggestions for applying of this knowledge still remain unpublished.

I am pleased to mention that for more than 10 years I and my group are successfully dealing with modeling of several incurable deceases. Besides, we succeeded to translate the biological law and generalize these laws for description of several social juridic systems. I am glad to see that these topics are also interesting to you and your research group. What is really we did not succeed yet, is to increase a commercial impact of our research. Indeed, it create many obstacles for efficient work which delays the progress and development. As you know, non of research can be efficient without financial ingredient which is detrimental for the success. I would be glad to offer you and your group my expertise, in particular in development of biological laws which might be a good ground for joint collaboration. As you may see it, my group is working on cutting edge of modeling of several deceases, in particular, cancer, by using biological laws. In particular, one of the main research directions of my group is to build some equivalent of a periodic table (Mendeleev’s periodic table) in application to description of biological and social/legal systems.

With my best regards,
Viktor Kotolupov

I would also like to draw your attention to our recent work “Cells in the system of multicellular organism from positions of non-linear dynamics” on application of general biological laws to psyche.



In the article, the authors use the prism of living systems functions organization patterns to analyze originating sources of a new jurisprudence methodological direction that might be termed as “homeostatic legal studies”, and in the context of its development it becomes possible to provide a new paradigm of interpretation of jurisprudential reality as an integral living system as far as its homeostasis support is concerned. The integration complex and function model of universal laws of the functions organization in living systems in reference to their normal homeostasis might be applied to all and every living system, including social ones, and the authors express axiomatic statement that normal homeostasis is impossible beyond these patterns. The most progressive and most successful states are those with better organization in terms of the mentioned patterns observation. The article also considers typical problems at the state level occurring due to the low homeostatic capacity rate in their organizations and functioning. At the same time, one of the priority propaedeutic tasks of the article is to explore the notion, peculiarities and significance of the healthy (normal) homeostasis of legal system and its components, including fundamental identification of advantages from achieving normal homeostatic state.

Click the link below to download the full article:
“Legal system homeostasis in the dimension of living systems functions organization patterns” (PDF, 291 Kb)

New Ideology (Proposal)

Posted by viktor.kotolupov under Articles

Dear Sir or Madam,

Our innovation-oriented scientific team has established the Centre of Homeostatic Legal Studies and Sustainable Development. The Centre focuses on developing new methodologies in law, especially on perfecting theoretical law application systems, which are the basis for organising functions in living systems (e.g. biological laws) and for modelling or designing a legal system. Our team is focused on the issues of improving the efficiency of the legal system in the context of ensuring its homeostasis, and especially on the role of symbiotic principles in achieving its homeostasis, both at the modelling level and in the legal reality.
We suggest a new approach with the main focus on so called biological or homeostatic laws. This entire concept has been successfully presented in prominent international scientific and professional papers, including the Springer series.

In our recent publications from 2014, we named a new direction or approach to the formation of legal systems as “homeostatic legal studies” or “homeostatic jurisprudence” in the context of biological laws. The proposed direction represents an innovative tool to provide or achieve a healthy homeostasis state at the legal system level, directly and indirectly. The expected legal system structure provides cost reduction, better efficiency and, most importantly, a high level of symbiosis. Other important advantages are also possible.

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Commercial Offer to Sony

Posted by admin under Articles, Other

International press conference Moscow 2002

Posted by viktor.kotolupov under Moscow 2002
